ISEK values the contributions of our diverse membership and acknowledges that all members represent the future of our science and society. The Society encourages all members to help advance ISEK by taking an active role on a committee.
The Council is committed to being an inclusive organization that encourages diversity. We welcome involvement of members from all over the world and from diverse backgrounds.
Browse the listing below for further information on each committee and application process.
Clinical Application Committee (CAC)
The clinical application committee facilitates the clinical application of approaches developed within the fields of electrophysiology and kinesiology.
Committee Initiatives
The committee will encourage education and training to promote the use of various techniques in a clinical setting and their role in supporting evidence-based medicine. The committee will develop initiatives that could ultimately lead to enhanced patient outcomes, especially in the fields of rehabilitation medicine, ergonomics and occupational medicine, and neurology. The CAC reports to the ISEK Member Services Committee.
The ISEK Council invites members to contribute to the Society’s leadership by serving on the Educational Committee.
Please indicate your interest by filling out this expression of interest form here.
Application deadline: July 15, 2024
Communications Committee
The committee serves to coordinate communications between ISEK, its membership, and the public on matters central to the Society’s vision and mission.
Committee Initiatives
- Website: The committee is currently putting the last touches to our revamped website.
- Social media: We aim to further our presence on social media to engage trainees, researchers and other professionals and build the ISEK community.

Greg Pearcey
Memorial University of Newfoundland

Ricardo Mesquita
Karolinska Institute
Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion Committee
To facilitate an equitable association, that recognizes diversity and inclusion, and emphasizes quality of life in event planning and dissemination activities.
Committee Initiatives
We will continue our work on encouraging and supporting diversity in all aspects of ISEK and the ISEK Congress. More specifically, we will:
- Develop initiatives to support members who may otherwise not have a chance to attend our conferences or contribute to workshops and discussions
- Organization of talks or tweets for the International Day of Women and Girls in Science and the International Day of Older Persons
- See our strategic intent and diversity statement here

Marcel Bahia Lanza
University of Maryland Baltimore

Niels Brouwer
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Madeleine Lowery
University College Dublin

Silvia Muceli
Chalmers University of Technology

Kylie Tucker
University of Queensland

Ping Zhou
University of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences
Early Career Researcher Committee (ECR)
The Early Career Researcher Committee represents the students and early career researchers of ISEK.
Purpose, Vision, and Goals of the ECR Committee
1. Purpose
The purpose of the ISEK ECR Committee is to increase ECR (student, postdoc, and other early career researchers) involvement within the society by enhancing and creating ECR orientated programs. The ISEK ECR Committee will communicate ECRs’ needs, questions, and initiatives to the Member Services Committee and ISEK Council in an effort to cultivate a spirit of interest and fellowship within the society.
2. Vision
The ISEK ECR Committee represents the voice of ECR’s (students, post-doctoral and other early career researchers) within the society. It aims to promote engagement, representation, and networking opportunities for ECR members by providing training, resources, and avenues for connecting with professionals within and outside the field with an interest in human movement and the neuromuscular system.
3. Goals
The Committee seeks to enhance the experience of ECR’s by organizing and overseeing initiatives answering their professional and career development needs, and by providing an avenue to offer input to, and engage with, the priorities of ISEK. The Committee also aims to strengthen the immediate and long-term retention of ECR members within the society and encourage the participation of less represented fields or groups with limited access to resources. We commit to be an inclusive, diverse, and equitable Committee.
Diversity Statement
We seek to assemble a diverse Early Career Researcher (ECR) Committee that embodies the wide-ranging backgrounds, perspectives, and expertise found within the ISEK community, ensuring comprehensive representation and inclusive decision-making.
Committee Initiatives
- Targeted ECR Newsletter: The quarterly newsletter focuses on information pertinent to PhD students, postdocs and other early career researchers.
- DeLuca symposium: From 2023, the ECR committee is responsible for organizing the DeLuca symposium. This symposium will take place in ~July on the “off-conference year”. The organization of this symposium will be supported by our ECR DeLuca award winners from the previous ISEK congress. Our 2022 DeLuca award winners were: Manuela Besomi, Marco Ghislieri and Bryan Schlink.
- Communications: Watch this space as our ECR committee works with our Communications Committee to ensure that our communication with members and beyond is efficient and effective.

Manuela Besomi
The University of Queensland
Early Career Researcher

Ciara Gibbs
Imperial College London

Benjamin Goodlich
Griffith University
Early Career Researcher

Sophia Jenz
Northwestern University

Ricardo Mesquita
Karolinska Institute

Giacomo Nardese
Queensland University of Technology

Elisa Romero Avila
RWTH Aachen University

Jacob Thorstensen
Bond University
Early Career Researcher

Giacomo Valli
University of Brescia
Early Career Researcher
Educational Committee
The educational committee facilitates the development and dissemination of the educational resources among ISEK members.
Committee Initiatives
The committee will develop initiatives that provides ISEK members with opportunities to
- Understand the main principles at the basis of the interpretation of electrophysiological and biomechanical data
- Learn how to use existing and emerging techniques
- Share their own interests in specific topics, informing the committee on potential directions to take
The educational committee reports to the ISEK Member Services Committee.
The ISEK Council invites members to contribute to the Society’s leadership by serving on the Educational Committee.
Please indicate your interest by filling out this expression of interest form here.
Application deadline: July 15, 2024
Member Services Committee
The Membership Committee cooperates with the ISEK Council to develop and maintain programs to ensure that ISEK brings value to all its members.
Committee Initiatives
- ISEK JEK Tutorials: The committee organizes the Tutorials which are scheduled each year in October and April.
- Repository of teaching materials: We are in the process of creating a repository of teaching materials available to the ISEK community.
- Technical committee: We are starting a committee to inform the research direction of ISEK and to support scientific activity in selected areas of interest to the ISEK membership.

Manuela Besomi
The University of Queensland

François Hug
Université Côte d’Azur

Ricardo Mesquita
Early Career Researcher

Minoru Shinohara
Georgia Institute of Technology

Taian Vieira
Politecnico di Torino
Organization Committee
The Organization Committee reviews and keeps all governing documents up to date, and coordinates the grant writing efforts to support ISEK activities such as the Congress. The committee also ensures coordination across all other ISEK committees.

Laurent Bouyer
Laval Université

Madeleine Lowery
University College Dublin

Francesco Negro
University of Brescia

Harri Piitulainen
University of Jyväskylä

Kylie Tucker
University of Queensland
Technical Committee
The purpose of the ISEK Technical Committee (TC) is to inform the research direction of ISEK and to support scientific activity in selected areas of interest to the ISEK membership. The TC tracks scientific developments, encourages innovation and facilitates education in areas related to electrophysiology and kinesiology. The committee has a particular focus on emerging areas at the intersection of electrophysiology and kinesiology and related disciplines and works together with the ISEK council to advance knowledge in a specialized area or on a specific topic. The TC reports to the ISEK Member Services Committee.
Committee Initiative
The Technical Committee may lead the dissemination of knowledge on a specific topic or facilitate integration of different scientific activities under a selected theme. This may include leading or supporting aspects of the scientific program of the ISEK Congress or other activities during the period between conferences such as webinars, tutorials, drafting of technical specifications, working papers etc.

Francesco Negro (Chair)
University of Brescia
Technical Committee Chair

Jeroen Aeles
Vrije Universiteit Brussel

Alberto Botter
Politecnico di Torino

Taylor Dick
University of Queensland

Emma Hodson-Tole
Manchester Metropolitan